Considerations for Economic recovery

Below is a summary of important considerations for Economic recovery that align with each of the key factors for healthy communities.


Considerations for Child- and Age-Friendliness

COVID-19 has greatly impacted employment opportunities, highlighting the importance of providing equal employment opportunities for all ages (and abilities) during pandemic recovery.129 Equal opportunity for employment for all ages means ensuring everyone’s basic needs are met so they can fully participate in society both socially and economically.130

Community support to provide seniors with paid employment and volunteer opportunities can contribute to the local economy24 as can employment for youth and others through children’s day camps.3

Considerations for Healthy Homes

Ensuring homes have proper ventilation systems in place reduces excessive energy costs.138 Having proper lighting within the home can lead to cost-savings and economic prosperity in the long-term.139

Considerations for Neighbourhood Design

Better understanding of how to navigate an area can promote an eagerness to explore, increasing visits to different destinations including local businesses and amenities, and generating revenue within a community.17

Considerations for Social Environment

Community associations provide an opportunity to increase housing values within a neighbourhood.70 However, the community associations must be implemented carefully in order to serve the Diverse voices of the community and avoid focusing on a small group of individuals. The presence of community associations has been linked with increases in housing market value by offering more programs and amenities.71

Considerations for Transportation

Active transportation involving multiple modes of travel promotes Economic co-benefits.13 A well connected and complete transportation network promotes opportunities for economic growth by allowing people to travel within and across different communities.34 In addition, increased traffic safety through well-designed transportation networks lowers injury-related healthcare and societal costs.13,36

Considerations for Economic Development

Equitable access to broadband internet is a crucial utility, connecting individuals and creating opportunities to develop innovative global ways for working and living. Equitable access to reliable internet can boost community connection, enhance productivity and efficiency, and also can generate new types of employment.116

Considerations for Food Environment

Community kitchens and larger community gardens provide an opportunity for Social enterprise (e.g., new innovative food business ideas) and supporting local food needs. Studies in Canada and elsewhere have found that community gardens can also have a positive impact on property values in surrounding neighbourhoods.87,88

Community kitchens, community gardens, and community food programs can help to promote Food security for residents. Food security is “the condition in which all people, at all times, have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life.”149 However, research in this area shows that tackling Food insecurity requires income-based policy interventions to reduce financial strain for Canadians with insecure or inadequate access to food.154

Considerations for Housing

Limited housing options reduce Social and economic participation.1 Lack of Diverse and/or Affordable housing across a community can drive people to areas that have poorer access to employment, health services, retail and food businesses.8,30 Neighbourhood housing Heterogeneity can influence housing market value, with socio-economic implications for communities.51

Considerations for Natural Environment

Urban trees and tree canopies not only provide a range of environmental benefits to urban areas, but are also associated with increased residential property values, recreation, and tourism appeal.13,99,102,103 Similarly, in rural communities the presence of natural areas can increase natural capital assets.2